ATTENTION: Followers of Christ who want to demonstrate God’s Kingdom…
Have You Learned to Love?
Discover Keys to Loving Like Jesus and Become the Spark of Revival God Is Igniting in the Church!
A Revival of Loving Your Enemies Is Coming
The replay for Marcus Young’s webinar: 
“A Revival of Loving Your Enemies Is Coming” will be posted here soon!

Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for Marcus Young’s webinar: 
“A Revival of Loving Your Enemies Is Coming”
The video above does not include the Q&A.
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
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Marcus Young
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the Desk of Marcus Young
Franklin, TN
What if you painted huge targets of God’s love on your enemies?

What if Christians had a reputation for aggressively loving, blessing, and praying for terrorists, democrats, republicans, evil bosses, colleagues, betrayers, etc.? 

You might say, “That’s all and good, but…”

I hear you. We all have enemies, whether we are aware of it or not.

In today’s polarized society, you would be hard-pressed to go even a day without encountering someone (or something) that poses far more threat than a personal offense—even potentially threatening you, your family, and all you believe.

But what if the key to disarming the threat of your enemies isn’t winning the battle in the political realm or out-shouting everyone on social media?
There is an amazing solution for the rise in violence, rage, injustice, and the high-octane clashes over class, human rights, racism, patriotism, and every other -ism plaguing our world.

Engaging our enemies in love may be one of Jesus’ most powerful strategies for demonstrating God’s Kingdom!

If the current state of the world is bothering you, there’s a better way forward. It’s time for a paradigm shift. It’s time to return to the power of the gospel as Jesus preached it and God demonstrated it.

Whether you are feeling victorious or beaten down, I invite you to be the spark of revival God is igniting in the Church.
engaging in love
For the last 27 years, I have been demonstrating the power of radical love to unleash God’s power and presence in some of the darkest situations on planet earth—including drug cartels, human trafficking, and working with insurgents and child soldiers. I have even seen these enemies transformed into Kingdom disciples through this powerful strategy from heaven.
If you long to be a person with the authentic spiritual authority that comes from radical love, then I invite you to join me in...
Love Your Enemy: Finding Redemption through Jesus’ Greatest Commandment
Love Your Enemy
Finding Redemption through Jesus’ Greatest Commandment
12-Lesson Class with Marcus Young
We are living in one of the most significant seasons of global change in the past 75 years.

Powers are shifting and colliding. The sins of nations have matured and are bearing fruit.

Economic and political pressures, along with violent surges of racial and identity conflict have torn the fabric of society, leaving the spiritual destiny of entire nations hanging in the balance.

Like many people, you may…
  • Be frustrated with the hate, rage, and vitriol spewing from the media, marching in the streets, and spilling over into everyday conversation with your friends, neighbors, family, and even your church.
  • Feel powerless in the face of the tsunami of persecution and anti-Christ agendas being unleashed against Christians and liberty at home and abroad.
  • Struggle to quell your emotions and discern how to respond to your enemies, especially those who seem too difficult, or too evil to love.
Now, more than ever, we need to be equipped with God’s divine strategy and authority to bring His order and Shalom into the earthly realm.

The stakes are high and the battle formidable. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the enormity of the issues and wonder what, if anything, you can really do!
God is inviting you to discover one of the most powerful weapons in His arsenal—Loving Your Enemies!

Loving your enemies is not a feel-good, pie-in-the-sky, sugar-coated ideal that glosses over evil and the gross injustices of this world. It is time-tested, commanded by Jesus, modeled by Him at the cross, and passed down through the ages by radical obedience and fearless faith.

In fact, Love Your Enemy training could possibly be the toughest test your faith will ever endure.

You are on planet earth during this challenging time by divine design—this is the key you need to prevail in this hour!
bring order and shalom
In this course, you will not only learn what Scripture reveals about this powerful strategy of heaven but see how this profound weapon has dismantled the enemy’s domain in some of the darkest corners of the earth.

Marcus Young has lived this message in the mission field, working with the lowest of the low—drug cartel lords, guerilla warfare insurgents, sex-traffickers, and more—and has seen it bring about Kingdom transformation and regional awakening that has set captives free.

If you are up to the challenge to accept God’s invitation to ferociously loves like He does, you won’t want to miss this course!
In this class you will learn...
  • Real strategies to disarm the enemy and tear down power structures of injustice
  • God’s perspective on your enemy and a paradigm shift for operating out of His divine lens
  • To rest in God’s unstoppable plan, finding courage in God’s victory when it seems like the enemy has the upper hand
  • How to reconcile righteous anger with God’s command to love
  • To turn the enemy’s curses into your blessing and prosperity
  • How loving your enemy ultimately brings you into deep intimacy and prosperity
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Class Lessons
Overview of the Love Your Enemy 12-Lesson Class

Click the play button above to learn more about the
Love Your Enemy class

Lesson 1: A Revival of Loving Your Enemies Is Coming
Our world is going crazy. If you say the wrong thing, you offend someone (or get censored on social media)! Enemies are popping up everywhere. As a Christ-follower, how do you navigate this challenging season? In this lesson, you will gain fresh perspective on who your enemies really are, how God views enemies, and what that means for you. You will discover a New Testament lens for the season we are currently in and see that love for your enemies is a fantastic part of God’s grand harvest plan.

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Jesus Saw Enemies as Strategic Opportunities
Think about your first response to a threat. Put up the barriers, go on defense, or run away… Right? In this lesson, you’ll discover a different response. Jesus didn’t see enemies as a threat. He recognized His enemies as strategic opportunities that were essential for His destiny. It can hurt to love enemies, but there is always a divine redemptive plan… Jesus had an enemy in His inner circle. God had an accuser (Satan) in His court. In this lesson, you will learn to see things from a higher perspective and align your heart with divine strategies that supersede demonic ones.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: God Encounters in Paradox  
The paradox of loving someone who has done something hateful to you is a paradigm-shifting encounter. When you choose to align in obedience with heaven rather than your natural response, you tap into a surge of the Holy Spirit’s power. That’s what turns something as crazy as loving your enemy into a super-charged, divine weapon! In this lesson, you will examine Jesus’ use of paradox as an avenue of encountering the Holy Spirit. You will also consider how the Holy Spirit wants to work with the gift of skin color and culture to help you partner with God’s heart for people who are different than you, even in cultures that are fallen and embrace evil practices.

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Viewing Your Enemy with Prophetic Purity
In this lesson, you will begin to enter the deeper waters. After considering why God wisely gives us scriptural instructions regarding enemies, you will be challenged to take the specific action of prayer for your enemies. You will be taught to use Philippians 4:8 as a sieve to purify your prophetic perception of your enemy so you are able to pray from the Father’s heart without hindrance.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 5: The Great Advantage of Papa God’s DNA
Did you know that loving your enemy is a sign you are filled with the Holy Spirit? In this lesson, you will examine how loving your enemies brings you great advantages and teaches you how to love your neighbor as God does. God has called you to perfection. He has called you to look like your Father. Essentially, this session will open your heart to understand how to be a true son or daughter by blazing with love for your enemies… just like your Papa!
Lesson 6: Forgiving Like You Are God
The Church carries the authority to forgive like no other people on earth. In this lesson, you will explore the power of forgiveness in the cross and look at the subsequent apostolic commission Jesus gave to walk in forgiveness. You will learn how the amazing, beautiful forgiveness won at the Cross is key to moving in the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power today.
Lesson 7: The Power to Bless or Curse–Which Do You Choose?
What would it look like if you had the Midas touch, and could turn everything you touch into a blessing? In a sense, you do—God has delegated to you the power to bless. Once you have a revelation of the incredible power of blessing, it will change the way you think and how you approach others. This lesson will teach you to appropriate the power of blessing to realize God’s dreams over your life, even with your enemies! One of Jesus’ potent commands is to bless your enemies and this command comes with great blessing! You will also learn to recognize curses, uproot their operation in your family line, and rightly steward the power of your words.
when anger brings justice
Lesson 8: When Anger Brings You Justice (and When it Doesn’t)
Anger over injustice is not wrong, but it should not be greater than your love. In this lesson, you will learn about God’s anger and about your own. You will discover when your anger works, when it doesn’t, and what to do with anger so you posture yourself in alignment with love. You will also peer into the ways of God regarding revenge and how to rightly bring forth justice.
Lesson 9: Are You Overcoming Evil from God’s Image?
Overcoming is part of God’s gift to you as His child. In this lesson, you will understand how to overcome evil. You will also learn the reward God has hidden for you when you win over your enemies. This teaching will show you how to use the image of God as warfare. You will discover how to endure hardship and become a dynamic overcomer in your daily experience of God.
Lesson 10: Laughing at Your Enemies Like a Sheep Among Wolves
It’s time to step into God’s brave heart. The challenge may be great, but there is Someone greater within you! In this lesson, you will reflect on a mystery—God’s unstoppable plan at work in you. You will learn to laugh and be glorious in the midst of your enemies. You were made for this day!
Lesson 11: How Honoring Your Enemies Elevates Your Influence
In this lesson, you will consider the lavish value a lifestyle of honor brings and how you can apply this to those who have done or are doing you great harm. You will learn how to posture yourself in honor and position yourself for advancement, expanding your influence even in very difficult situations!
Lesson 12: Relax, God Has This!
Loving your enemies can be difficult spiritual territory. In this final lesson, you will examine the two essential elements that will keep you focused and bring you into victory: 1) Loving enemies is God’s work. You will learn how to rest in His finished work and have faith for great miracles available in enemy territory. 2) You will dig into Psalm 23 and uncover the persistent goodness and revelation that come when you accept the glorious adventure of loving your enemy.
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How this class Works
This 12-lesson class has been pre-recorded, so you can watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience. 

Each lesson is 45–60 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 12 main lessons:
  • Lesson 1: A Revival of Loving Your Enemies Is Coming
  • ​Lesson 2: Jesus Saw Enemies as Strategic Opportunities
  • ​Lesson 3: God Encounters in Paradox
  • ​Lesson 4: Viewing Your Enemy with Prophetic Purity
  • ​Lesson 5: The Great Advantage of Papa God’s DNA
  • ​Lesson 6: Forgiving Like You Are God
  • ​Lesson 7: The Power to Bless or Curse: Which Do You Choose?
  • Lesson 8: When Anger Brings You Justice (And When It Doesn’t)
  • ​Lesson 9: Are You Overcoming Evil from God’s Image?
  • ​Lesson 10: Laughing at Your Enemies Like a Sheep Among Wolves
  • ​Lesson 11: How Honoring Your Enemies Elevates Your Influence
  • ​Lesson 12: Relax, God Has This!
Each lesson has:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​An inspiring PowerPoint
  • ​A transcript
Love Your Enemy: Finding Redemption through Jesus’ Greatest Commandment
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Wednesday, Nov 3 at 2 pm Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Wednesday, Nov 17 at 2 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–12 (Wednesday, Dec 8 at 2 pm Eastern)
    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, PowerPoints, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Marcus. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you to process with others and hear Marcus answer member questions.

    If you miss any of the LIVE sessions, that is okay because we will post the replays on the Teachable member site.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, PowerPoints, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    50% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $600. However, you receive a $300 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    78% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by october 30)
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $900. However, you receive a $700 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
    I AM a Son bonus class
    I AM a Son
    12-Lesson Class with Don Nori
    (Must sign up by October 26)
    Who are you and why are you here? Understanding and embracing your true identity in Christ is crucial for living the abundant life that Jesus talks about. There is no phrase more empowering than the truth of these four little words: “I AM a son!” If you are ready to go deeper in your understanding of who Christ is in you and through you, then you will be energized by this class.
    • Lesson 1: The Day Everything Changed
    • ​Lesson 2: God’s Got Your Back
    • ​Lesson 3: A Prodigal’s Paradise
    • ​Lesson 4: Father and Son
    • ​Lesson 5: No Other Way
    • ​Lesson 6: Two Sacrifices
    • ​Lesson 7: Maturing Sons
    • ​Lesson 8: Everything Else Is Less
    • ​Lesson 9: Sons Drink the Cup
    • ​Lesson 10: The Tell-Tale Disconnect
    • ​Lesson 11: So, This Is Who I AM
    • ​Lesson 12: Jesus (Our Elder Brother), The Pattern Son
    Love Your Enemy: A 30-Day Guide to Compelling Expressions of Faith
    Book by Marcus Young
    Shipped FREE anywhere in the world!
    (Must sign up by october 23)
    An enemy is, in simplest terms, an estranged son or daughter of your heavenly Father. You may not like them, they may be evil or unworthy, but God has declared enemies “good!” by the peace of His cross.

    This book will revolutionize your life, activate your faith, and teach you how to fully express the loving heart of your Father-even towards your enemies. You’ll want to dive deep into this 30-day journey of freedom and impact if…
    • An enemy or betrayer has caused you deep pain.
    • ​Living in a way that is life-giving and dynamic is important to you.
    • ​All the division, online-hatred and politically correct rhetoric saddens you.
    • ​You believe Jesus has spiritually powerful answers for your hardest problems.
    • ​Being part of a movement that creates lasting social change for good excites you.
    Love Your Enemy bonus book
    Loving Jesus bonus teaching with Mike Bickle
    Loving Jesus: The First Commandment Established in the First Place
    Teaching with Mike Bickle
    (Must sign up by october 20)
    “You shall love the Lord … with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.”  (Matthew 22:37–38)

    This teaching will show you how to align your heart with your greatest calling, achieve your greatest success, and deeply root your true identity—through voluntarily gifting the fullness of your love to your Creator!
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    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    12-lesson training ($600 value)
    • Lesson 1: A Revival of Loving Your Enemies Is Coming
    • ​Lesson 2: Jesus Saw Enemies as Strategic Opportunities
    • Lesson 3: God Encounters in Paradox
    • Lesson 4: Viewing Your Enemy with Prophetic Purity
    • Lesson 5: The Great Advantage of Papa God’s DNA
    • Lesson 6: Forgiving Like You Are God
    • Lesson 7: The Power to Bless or Curse: Which Do You Choose?
    • Lesson 8: When Anger Brings You Justice (And When It Doesn’t)
    • ​Lesson 9: Are You Overcoming Evil from God’s Image?
    • ​Lesson 10: Laughing at Your Enemies Like a Sheep Among Wolves
    • ​Lesson 11: How Honoring Your Enemies Elevates Your Influence
    • ​Lesson 12: Relax, God Has This!
    Recordings for 3 previous LIVE Q&A sessions ($300 value)
    • 50% savings: $300 instead of $600
    • 78% savings ($200 instead of $900 (sign up by Oct 30)
    • I AM a Son — 12-Lesson Class with Don Nori (sign up by Oct 26)
    • Love Your Enemy — Book by Marcus Young — shipped FREE anywhere in the world (sign up by Oct 23)
    • Loving Jesus — Teaching with Mike Bickle (sign up by Oct 20)
    Additional benefits:
    • LIFETIME access to the private member site
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​PowerPoints
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you to disarm the enemy, get God’s perspective, and enter deep intimacy with God’s love.

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
    Love Your Enemy
    Priority Order Form
    YES! I accept God’s invitation to ferociously love like He does!
    And receive the class bonus and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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    Blessings to love your enemy!
    Marcus Young
    Marcus Young
    Marcus Young comes from a tradition of 125 years of missions’ history in Southeast Asia. His work through INfire includes developing a mission to one of the largest drug cartels and pioneering the first child-soldier rescue efforts in Myanmar.

    He is passionate about building strategies from biblical paradigms and mobilizing God’s people to live the counter-intuitive approach of “loving your enemies.” Marcus believes loving your enemies is an essential foundation for the next major awaking of the Church.

    This unique approach has equipped his ministry to expand the kingdom through reconciliatory acts of service to the “worst of these” like drug lords and rebel army leaders. It has also empowered the “least of these”—like child combatants and their communities trapped in conflict zones.

    Marcus has 27 years of professional experience working in challenging regions. He holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership and is a certified business consultant. He lives with his wife and family in Franklin, TN, when not traveling internationally.
    Love Your Enemy
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